The 360° Feedback Survey

The 360° Feedback Survey enables the appraised to gather feedback from people he/she works with: colleagues, managers, employees, internal and external clients…

The outputs are analysed with a qualified facilitator, who assists the appraised in his/her reflection on his/her strengths and development areas.

Augeo-RH will study your needs with you and make a certified facilitator available for interventions in French and English, i.e. with the PDI Profilor survey (which is available in many languages and can be used by teams distributed throughout different countries).

Développement personnel et professionnel

logo_preventionAugeo-RH et sa filiale Augeo-Formation sont habilités par le réseau ASSURANCE MALADIE RISQUES PROFESSIONNELS / INRS pour la formation « S’initier à la prévention des risques psychosociaux » dans le cadre du dispositif Initiation RPS – Former les salariés ou les dirigeants d’entreprise à la prévention.
