Awareness and Training
regarding psychosocial risks, violence at work, discrimination

Managers sometimes encounter difficult situations which leaves them feeling helpless. They seek help, as well as their employees, to implement the necessary organisational and behaviour changes for preventing stress and discrimination.

Augeo-RH’s training programmes are varied in format and in content, in order to meet particular business needs:

  • Awareness

    Modules on awareness and information on  legislation and corporate objectives are offered in short sessions (one day or half a day), in class or on line (e-learning or live web sessions).

  • Training Programmes

    Their aim is to provide managers with tools and models and enable them to reflect on behaviour changes. The programmes’ objectives are devised with the organisation and can cover :

    • Prevent discrimination when recruiting
    • Identify and process risk
    • Identify stressful work situations
    • Identify and process suffering
    • Prevent exclusion
    • Identify and develop a personal management style
    • Conduct difficult conversations
    • Assess performance

    Augeo-RH’s European network enables the roll-out of an international programme. (Learn more about Management Traning)

  • Co-development

    The group composed of colleagues from the same team or from complementary teams work on problems brought to the table by the participants. (Learn more about Co-development)

  • Action Learning

    Participants study a shared problem together. The programme ends when the organisation is sufficiently autonomous to address the topic. (Learn more about Action Learning)

  • Executive Coaching

    Coaching can be used to support organisational change or managers’s development while rolling out an action plan for preventing stress at work and discrimination. (Learn more about Coaching).

Sensibilisation Formation

logo_preventionAugeo-RH et sa filiale Augeo-Formation sont habilités par le réseau ASSURANCE MALADIE RISQUES PROFESSIONNELS / INRS pour la formation « S’initier à la prévention des risques psychosociaux » dans le cadre du dispositif Initiation RPS – Former les salariés ou les dirigeants d’entreprise à la prévention.
